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Reducing irrelevant cognitive load


Here are a few strategies that will help you reduce irrelevant cognitive load:

  1. Worked examples – “Worked example” is the fancy term cognitive scientists use for a model or exemplar. Since most colleges already have outbound mobility projects in place, a good way for novice facilitators to start is by accompanying an expert facilitator or by taking over an existing trip. Having a role model to mentor you or a ready-made worked example of a trip [Word, 95k] will make a huge difference in your cognitive load. If you can’t find someone at your school, try contacting the school’s international office or contact us and we’ll put you in touch with someone!
  2. Collaborating and delegating – Ideally, anything that is not teaching-related should be delegated to someone else – especially if this is your first time facilitating. This means finding a reliable overseas partner, teaming up with talented colleagues, relying on your international office as much as possible, and getting the students involved in the planning and execution of the trip. Refer to this checklist to see which tasks can be delegated to students [PDF, 134k]. It also means that you should probably hire experts if your budget allows for it: travel agents to book tickets, tour guides to show you around, homestay programs to find families for your students, volunteer organizations to match your students with projects.
  3. Pre-training – Learn as much as you can about teaching in immersive, naturalistic contexts before you go. If you plan carefully and practise before you go (for example, by facilitating naturalistic interactions on Worldchat.live), it will be easier when you get to your destination.
  4. Go somewhere you already know – If you’re familiar with the culture, the variety of the language spoken, the layout of the city or town, the transportation system, and so on, it will be a lot easier. It will be easier still if you know people and can get an insider’s perspective. All of this will reduce your irrelevant cognitive load and allow you to focus on what is germane: facilitating learning.

Take the How high is my cognitive load? [Word, 75k] quiz and the Should I hire a language school? [Word, 75k] quiz.