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Step #1:

Connect the dots between teaching philosophy, objectives, and student needs

As you begin to plan your trip, ask yourself the following questions:


Why this trip? What is the purpose of the trip?

For example:
I want students to use the target language we’ve been practicing in the classroom in authentic situations with local native speakers.


What does teaching mean to you? What is your idea of good pedagogy?

For example:
I believe students learn best when they have the time and space to discuss their learning experiences with each other.


What are your department’s objectives for language students? What are your college’s objectives for study abroad?

For example:
My college encourages students to participate in international learning activities. There is an international office that helps teachers plan and implement FSA. In addition, everyone is concerned with student safety and security.


What are your students’ needs? What do students want from FSA?

For example:
Students want to have an enriching travel experience where they can practice their additional language while having fun. They want a teacher to guide them through the experience.

Complete step #1 in the My trip design document.