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The takeaway

  • There are advantages and disadvantages to both superficial and in-depth interactions with locals. Keep your trip’s mission statement in mind when making decisions about how much interaction you plan for your students.
  • Take steps to lighten your cognitive load, especially if you are new to study abroad and are planning in-depth interactions.

What’s next?

If you are seeking to organize in-depth interactions, particularly if you are new to study abroad, take steps to lighten your cognitive load and consider the following:

  • Get help contacting local organizations and/or homestay families from your college’s international office and/or a pedagogical counsellor who is responsible for study abroad.
  • Hire tour companies to help you find reliable overseas projects, internships, and service learning experiences, as well as reliable host families.

In addition, there are steps you can take to lessen student disadvantages during in-depth interactions:

  • Ensure that there is contact between students and host partners and/or host families in advance. For example, students and host partners can exchange emails or social media messages prior to departure.
  • Check in with students frequently during study abroad and offer them opportunities for critical reflection in order to ease the transition between home and abroad.