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The takeaway

  • Study abroad has a measurable impact on student achievement:
    • It generally leads to improved grades and graduation rates, and these benefits are even greater for the most at-risk populations. 
    • It equips students with 21st-century workplace skills. 
    • It lays a foundation for the kind of global cooperation our planet needs in order to address some of the most critical issues we will be facing in the future.
  • The aims of study abroad programs often align with policy documents, including those related to ministerial college-wide common competencies and the strategies of individual colleges. When attempting to sell the idea of study abroad, check these documents and show how the objectives of your trip match policy objectives!

What’s next?

The aims of study abroad programs often align with policy documents, including those related to ministerial college-wide common competencies and the strategies of individual colleges. When attempting to sell the idea of study abroad, check these documents and show how the objectives of your trip match policy objectives!